BTEC Applied Law
Curriculum Statement of Intent
Our intention in Applied Law is to provide a curriculum with breadth that allows all of our students to be able to achieve the BTEC National requirements through wide educational opportunities. The intent of the Law curriculum includes preparing students for higher education and employment, as well as being an effective citizen in the UK’s modern society and global awareness. The curriculum intends to challenge, motivate and inspire a life-long interest in learning and offers a wide range of quality extra-curricular opportunities for personal development.
The curriculum is ambitious yet accessible to meet the needs of its learners and build on their skills, knowledge and experiences. The lessons are sequenced in a logical format to develop comprehension of the fundamentals, before diving deeper into the law itself and critically evaluating the justice system in the UK. Students will be given opportunities to debate and put forward their opinions and recommendations for criminal justice and legislation, for example, considering the reasons for sentencing and their efficacy.
Through a mixture of exam-style assessments, assignments with differing activities and in-class formative tests, students will be given opportunities to shine, demonstrating their learning in a supportive yet challenging environment. The lessons are planned with wide learning styles in mind, using multi-media approaches, group work and student-led activities, underpinned by teacher expertise and in-depth marking to allow for the best academic outcomes.
The curriculum allows for so much more than preparing for an exam or assignment and embeds topical discussions on British Values, with links to other curriculum areas such as elements within Forensics, Sociology, Psychology, History and many more. There are opportunities to build on personal experiences and cultural capital through trips to the courts, meeting with legal professionals and widening understanding of our society.
With key skills such as referencing and research, as well as developing writing skills for different types of text, such as, letters, file notes, reports, fact-files and articles, the course will prepare its learners for higher education and provide them with the valuable exposure to academic study and writing. There will be links with universities to experience how this course could lead to exciting study and work opportunities upon completion.
Our Applied Law curriculum is so much more than a subject specification. It is underpinned by the intent to develop enthusiastic, tolerant and resourceful adult who will make affective contributions to society. It aims to support students’ individual needs in meeting their individual end-points alongside encouraging the love of learning and removal of barriers to student success.