
Citizenship Intent

Overall Intent:

The intention of Citizenship studies at Grace Academy is for our pupils to acquire a sound knowledge and understanding of how the United Kingdom is governed, its political system and how citizens participate actively in its democratic systems of government. We also strive to develop a sound knowledge and understanding of the role of law and the justice system in our society and how laws are shaped and enforced.

In line with the school vision, Citizenship Studies will be aiming to develop well-educated, considerate and caring citizens with a strong sense of values, who will succeed in and contribute to modern society. The curriculum in Citizenship allows students to do this because it provides the information necessary for them to be active members of society. 

Year 7 Students in year 7 begin studying citizenship alongside PSHE the intention is to provide students with the basic skills and knowledge to progress further with British values and an introduction to Democracy in the UK. The curriculum builds from KS2 and ensure student knowledge is consistent across the year group.

Year 8 Builds knowledge from year 7 and discuses an introduction to Law, including youth law and Human Rights. This is aimed to build student knowledge and provide a deeper understanding of knowledge creating deeper thinking about some of the issues surrounding these topics in the UK

Year 9 The curriculum aims to extend knowledge of Democracy in the UK. Students are taught about the voting system in the UK and gain a deeper understanding of politics in the UK. Including some of the issues Government have to face with an increasing population. Students Other topics in year 9 include identity which connects and builds knowledge from PSHEE lessons.

KS4 In KS4, students take a more critical and thorough approach to learning Citizenship as an option and about democracy, government, British values and how to be an active participant in our modern British society. The curriculum aims to develop the enthusiasm, intrigue and political engagement that students discover in KS3 and choose to pursue into KS4. Students learn about the intricate workings UK Parliament, accountability, human rights and civil liberties, key features of a democracy and well as how the justice system links. Bringing all parts of the KS4 curriculum together, is the continued development of discovering how young people can be active citizens and can become young advocates in their local, national and global community. It is important that students develop active citizenship skills which will help them become active citizens for life, not just for their time at Grace Academy.

Exam board – Edexcel Citizenship Studies

Students build on their Citizenship knowledge when they begin their GCSE in year 10. Students have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the topical events they study at GCSE level; the rights, responsibilities and duties of citizens; the role of the voluntary sector; forms of government; and the criminal and civil justice, legal and economic systems. They obtain and use different kinds of information, including the media, to form and express an opinion. They evaluate the effectiveness of different ways of bringing about change at different levels of society. Students take part effectively in school and community-based activities, showing a willingness and commitment to evaluate such activities critically.  

Revision guides for GCSE courses are available to purchase from Amazon priced at £21.99, However students are provided with a Edexcel Citizenship Workbook and several booklets to use for revision throughout the course. 

 Useful websites for revision and additional support:

BBC Bitesize

BBC Parliament

Useful websites for revision and additional support:

BBC Bitesize

BBC Parliament

RE/ PSHEE and Citizenship Provision for all (Year 10):

In line with legal requirements, an ambitious Programme of Study has been created for Year 10 to deliver RE/PSHEE and Citizenship. The intent is to follow the vision of Grace Academy, to develop well-educated citizens, with a set of values to become valuable and effective members of our local, national and worldwide community, building on aspects of RE and Citizenship. Students follow a programme based on making connections with The Equality Act (2010) and Human Rights, making in-depth connections between RE and Citizenship and PSHE. The intent of this programme is to allow students to deepen and extend their knowledge and understanding of human rights and equality that surround us today. Students work to continuously develop their social, moral, spiritual and cultural aspects of their education. Religious beliefs and teachings are threaded through their learning to broaden their understanding of how religious believers respond to issues that are in our contemporary world, such as social justice, prejudice and discrimination of specific groups in society and religious freedom, developing their cultural capital. The curriculum in split equally between the three subjects which naturally interleave.

The Programme of Study for RE has been designed to continuously build on areas of study at KS3, addressing misconceptions, through a deepening understanding of religions and worldviews. The rationale for the POS, taught through a thematic approach, ensures that through a knowledge-rich sequence of lessons, establishing substantive and disciplinary knowledge, students can make connections and links both through verbal expression and developed written work, which complements learning. Links are continuously built throughout the teaching of all lessons so that students are able to deepen and extend their knowledge and understanding from prior learning. Consistent knowledge retrieval and the application beliefs, teachings and terminology complements a POS that broadens the learning of students. Independent Learning Booklets complement in-class learning and a Summative Assessment   monitors progress.

The Programme of Study for Citizenship has been designed to deepen knowledge on topics taught at KS3.  The ambitious curriculum connects topics taught at KS3 and broadens pupils thinking about how they can contribute to society at active citizens, ensures they are aware how politics affects them and how important it is for them to vote when they are able.  The Citizenship curriculum give the students a foundation for the future because it broadens student’s knowledge on not only paying tax but where the government use the money collected.

PSHEE is taught in line with the new PSHEE statutory framework.  The PSHEE curriculum is continuously built throughout the students journey at Grace Academy. Learners are provided with opportunities to reflect on, clarify their own values and attitudes, and explore the complex and conflicting range of values and attitudes encountered now and in the future. Learners will also develops inter and intrapersonal skills allowing them to develop teamwork and personal skills helping them become positive member of society.



The PSHEE curriculum equips learners to understand about how they can make good decisions in the world around them. They are encouraged to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives. Learners are encouraged to shine by being supported in making effective decisions, positive learning, career choices and in achieving economic wellbeing. Learners are provided with opportunities to reflect on, clarify their own values and attitudes, and explore the complex and conflicting range of values and attitudes encountered now and in the future. Learners will also develops inter and intrapersonal skills allowing them to develop teamwork and personal skills helping them become positive member of society.


Learners will consolidate work done in Key Stage 2 on health and relationships and look at key concepts of puberty and keeping themselves safe. They will reflect on their viewpoint of key issues such as drugs and alcohol and consent. Students will develop their knowledge of protected characteristics.


Students will develop their learning on relationships by looking at themes of conception and contraception and linking this to Year 7 learning in Science. Students will be challenged to raise their awareness of mental health issues as well as how they look after themselves. They will begin to be able discuss the legality of drugs and alcohol and be able to identify issues of extremism, radicalisation and sexual exploitation.


Students will build on their knowledge of relationships from previous years by looking at ensuring these are as healthy as possible. They will look at issues regarding community safety including the pressures facing young people regarding drugs, alcohol, knife crime and gangs. Students will be able to develop positive skills for decision making and look at what pressures can be faced by young people.


Students will build on work on mental health from Key Stage 3 looking at ways of promoting positive wellbeing. Learners are provided with opportunities to reflect on, clarify their own values and attitudes, and explore the complex and conflicting range of values and attitudes encountered now and in the future. Learners will also develops inter and intrapersonal skills allowing them to develop teamwork and personal skills helping them become positive member of society.


Students will build on their understanding of relationships and understanding the pressures facing young people regarding sexual health and development. They will be able to challenge viewpoints and reflect on their worldview and take part in discussions with external providers helping them engage with various forms of relationship.


Students will reflect on their learning from Key Stage 3 and 4 and look at issues of healthy relationships and inclusion through a bespoke course engaging with external providers. Students will be trained in understanding issues regarding mental health and helping young students understand key concepts by learning and developing communication skills.

Fore more information please email [email protected]