Covid-19 Catch Up Premium


What is Covid-19-Catch up premium?

Covid-19 Catch Up Premium is a source of funding from the government to support the missed learning of all students following the school closures. Schools will be allocated £80 per student to enable schools to minimise the impact on education following the school closures.

Allocated funding

The Covid-19 Catch Up Premium funding we received: £69,920.

Actual Spend 2020 – 2021

There are a number of interventions that we implemented using the funding received. The table below provides details of each intervention.

Baseline testing of all students in order to identify gaps in learning and ensure the provision of an effective a catch-up curriculum £4,385Assessment data demonstrates rapid catch up, evidenced through milestone and summative student assessments.
Appointment of an additional Learning Support Assistant with a focus on catch up provision for students with specific identified needs £20,530Assessment data demonstrates that students with specific identified needs make rapid progress, evidenced through milestone and summative student assessments.
Development of additional SEMH and Behaviour interventions including appointing external mentoring and group work provision £24,913Students are able to focus on learning and assessment data demonstrates that they are making rapid progress, evidenced through milestone and summative student assessments. Behaviour data demonstrates a reduction in incidences for targeted students.
Purchase and distribution of revision guides for all Key Stage 4 students across all subjects £9,442PPE results in December and March demonstrate students have made rapid progress and data shows progress in line with previous years.
Purchase of additional online educational programmes including, GCSEpod (extended subscription), NESSY Literacy and Numeracy £5,008Students engage in online learning and assessment data demonstrates rapid catch up, evidenced through milestone and summative student assessments.
Provision of small group tuition during Academy holidays to support catch up and revision for examinations.£6,000External results in August 2021 and August 2022 demonstrate that students have made rapid progress and achieve results which show good progress form their KS2 starting points.
Provision of attendance support services including Education Welfare Officer to address barriers in returning to the academy for lessons.£5,400Attendance post lockdown is above national average.

Total spend on student catch up strategies in the year was £75,677.