Careers Overview

At Grace Academy Darlaston we strive to ensure our students have access to a balanced careers education. We offer impartial information and guidance on all aspects of careers. Helping students discover their skills and abilities in preparation for life long careers management and employability. 

We assess our impact via destination data, student evaluation, external business/organisational feedback and parent/staff engagement and feedback. 

Key Stage 3 Overview

Students meet a range of organisations via assemblies, curriculum subjects, or bespoke sessions to discover the world of work. Organisations are selected to ensure students meet with a varied range of employers to understand what a career is and raise student awareness about job roles and responsibilities in different sectors of industry. 

Key Stage 3 students will take part in careers lessons as part of the PSHE programme, as well as visits to organisations that enable them to identify future career steps. In addition, they can have individual or group careers discussions with the academy careers adviser.  

Students in all year groups will identify what transferable life skills they have and how their skills apply to careers and academic learning. 

Key Stage 4 Overview

Students meet and talk to professionals, from academic and vocational backgrounds, working in various sectors. 

Key Stage 4 students will take part in careers lessons as part of the PSHE programme enabling them to identify future career steps. In addition, they will experience taster workshops at various colleges and universities, and access CV writing workshops and mock interviews. 

Year 11 will attend one-to-one careers advice sessions, that parents are invited to, and will discuss their plans for progression to the variety of post 16 options. 

Students in all year groups will identify what transferable life skills they have and how their skills apply to careers and academic learning. 

Post 16 Overview

Students work alongside organisations gaining knowledge of the world of work and finances. Further activities for Year 12 and 13 students include attendance at taster workshops at various universities, apprenticeship, and employability workshops, and visiting careers and apprenticeship skills fairs. UCAS application and personal statement writing support is also provided. 

In addition, Year 12 students will take part in work experience and is a great way to learn about the world of work. Work experience gives students the opportunity to directly interact with employers and gain experiential learning about careers. Students will also be able to develop or enhance their confidence, initiative, and other soft skills, as well as understand the expectations of individuals in the workplace. 

Academy Governing Board

The Link governor with careers responsibility is John Loach, who can be contacted by emailing the academy.  


If you are an employer or organisation who would like to support careers and work-related activities at Grace Academy Darlaston, in alliance with International Motors, please email Marcia Miller, Enterprise and Careers Co-ordinator at  [email protected]

Provider Access

Using this link to view a copy of our Provider Access Statement

We encourage a range of employers, education, and training providers to volunteer their time and services to inform our students about their apprenticeships, future qualifications and to assist with other activities such as mock interviews, CV writing workshops, careers talks, or other careers events here at Grace Academy Darlaston. If you think you could help, please contact: 

Marcia Miller (Enterprise and Careers Co-ordinator) email: [email protected]

or telephone: 0121 568 3300 ext. 3332.

We also welcome ex-students to get in touch to tell us what they are doing now and to come back into school to talk about their career.

At Grace Academy Darlaston, we welcome feedback from parents and carers on the careers programme, currently by telephone or email, to Mrs Miller, Enterprise and Careers Co-ordinator on 0121 568 3300 or [email protected] 

Students can access one-to-one careers support by speaking to their form tutor or Mrs Miller. Parents can also refer their child for a careers discussion by emailing [email protected] 

Review Date – April 2025