We are incredibly proud of our academy and our community. We are proud of our happy students and staff, both of whom work together to achieve excellent results. As part of Tove Learning Trust our academy benefits from being in a strong partnership with a number of other schools. We are also supported by a number of Ethos staff as part of the Trust. Grace Academy students thrive during their time here and visitors frequently comment on students’ excellent manners and behaviour. We expect and give the very best education to every child. The academy’s core set of values ensure every student develops into a confident, successful and happy young adult, ready to face the future. 

Our most recent Ofsted in April 2022 confirmed that we are a good school. Students behave well and make the most of the learning opportunities. Students feel safe and valued by all the staff. However much of what we offer is truly outstanding. Our GCSE results over the last few years show the progress that students make across a range of subjects. However, our staff know that academic achievement is only one part of success. At Grace we have so much going on including a wide range of trips, visitors, presentations and sporting and creative opportunities for all students. 

You may have many questions about starting here at Grace from uniform to support available, the booklet and poster below will try and answer as many of those as possible for you:

Join Us Booklet
Poster – Move to Secondary School
Please click here to go to Admissions

Parents need to submit an application to Walsall Council Secondary Admissions no later than the 31st October 2024. Parents who submit an online application for a secondary school place and request an email notification will receive details of the outcome of their child’s application by email on Monday 3rd March 2025. The emails will be produced and sent out by an automated process over the course of the day on Monday 3rd March 2025. The national offer date for secondary school admissions is Monday 3rd March 2025.

Parents will also receive notification of the outcome of their application by a letter posted second class on Monday 3rd March 2025

Shortly after this date, if you have been offered a place with us we will be sending out information about Grace Academy Darlaston, and what to expect over the coming months, this will be sent via the email address you provided to Walsall Admissions. We shall also be emailing out a link to our admissions system (Applicaa), this will take you to the Applicaa site for you to fill out some important documents. These documents can be completed at home either on a computer or a smart phone, and once completed, and you have taken a photograph of your child’s birth certificate or passport and proof of address, your application is finalised. Please ensure we have an up to date email address as this is the main way we will be contacting you. The deadline for submitting the admission paperwork is no later than Friday 23rd May 2025.

Admission Criteria:

Grace Academy Darlaston follow Walsall Council’s criteria for admissions which can be found here.

Published Admission Number:

Our Published Admission Number (PAN) is 180, however, the academy has since agreed to take 220 in support of the Local Authority.

Oversubscription Criteria: 

If there are more applications than there are places available, places will be allocated using the Oversubscription Criteria in the following order of priority: 

  1. Children in Public Care (looked after children). (see note 1)
  2. Pupils who have a sibling already in attendance at the Academy when the application is made and who will be still attending the Academy at the proposed admission date. (see note 2)
  3. Pupils for whom a place at the Academy is essential on medical or social grounds as supported in writing by a medical practitioner or a social worker. (Applications will be subject to verification by Children’s Services). (see note 3).
  4. Distance between the home address and the Academy as measured in a straight line with those living closer to the Academy receiving the higher priority. (see note 6)

If there is oversubscription in criteria 2 to 4, priority will be given to those living closest to the Academy as measured in a straight line. 

Please see below the link to Walsall Council’s Admission’s page.


If you weren’t successful in acquiring a year 7 place for September 2025 and you wish to appeal, the appeal form and timetable can be found below.

Appeal Form 2024


If you have any questions about the transition process in general or Grace Academy Darlaston please email [email protected]